Tiger English

Thoughts from a Chinese English professor.

大家好,我是卢老师。 在过去的几年里,我一直在机构和公立学校教英语。  最近,我还参与了Blueberry English 和我们的新学校Tiger English 的教学、翻译和家长沟通工作。 Blueberry 和Tiger English 的联合创始人Barry老师在教育方面有着四十多年的经验。他在线上和线下给孩子或者成人上过16000节课,而他的这些学生来自包括中国、巴西和美国等国家。我觉得Barry 老师和他的学校让人印象深刻,但是这个谦虚的老师认为这所学校的特别之处并不是因为他一个人,而是学生和家长们所一起创造的。Barry 为我们的孩子创造了这样一所独特的学校,而且他的教学方法与我所看到的很多中国英语教学有所不同。 所以,我想分享一下我在他的课堂上的所见所闻,以及他对我们英语教学或者英语学习的初衷。 第一,对我来说了解到一个在线英语学校能够给学生带来中国英语教学难以给到学生的教育,是非常鼓舞人心的。在中国很多时候,我们的英语教学重点通常只是放在考试和语法上,这是无可避免的。但Blue Berry and Tiger English这所学校提供了沉浸式的英语课程,结合了英语学习的听力、口语、阅读、写作和语音方面的教学。 第二点是Barry给我看了学生的故事书,是的,学生们在学习过程中还会学习如何写故事书,而这些属于他们自己的故事书还会在亚马逊平台上出版,全世界一百七十多个国家都可以在平台上下载哦。在写自己的故事这个创作过程中,学生在Barry的引导下,用英语表达自己的经历和想法。 第三,在中国传统的班级或小组教学中,就算是三小时的一节课,老师们也很少有时间能够一对一的帮助学生。相比之下,Barry会非常耐心地培养每一个学生,注重培养学生将英语学以致用,比如我了解到,Barry在课堂上会引导那些更有经验的学生,用他们所学的知识来帮助其他学生学习英语。我看到那些学生在帮助其他学生时,所表现出来的自信、满足和自尊,我惊叹于Barry成熟的引导和教学,他真的不只是教给学生知识,也更加注重培养学生其他方面的能力发展。 最后,和Barry接触过程中,我看到了他作为一名老师的热情,他对教学时刻充满着热爱,他对学生充满了爱心和耐心,他不仅关注学生的学习和能力的发展,也关注学生的心情状态和内心想法。另外,也看到了他对人之间的信任和乐于助人的美德。虽然我是为他工作的,但是我却常常感受到他对我教学方面、沟通方面和提升英语等各方面的指导。他也经常为家长们给出如何在孩子学习上提供帮助的建议。我也一直很惊讶,他对我们的教育体系是这么的了解,所以他才能够一直以来这么关注他学生们的能力发吧。Barry这个人热爱着英语教育事业,而且尊重学生的思维、感情和想法,这真的很难得,很值得家长和学生们加入他的这一个学校。
Hello, I am Miss Lu。 For the past few years I have been teaching English in institutions and public schools in China.  In recent times I have also be involved in teaching, translating and working with parents at Blueberry English and our new school Tiger English. The co-founder Teacher Barry at Blueberry and Tiger English has over 40 years experience in education. He has taught over 16,000 classes online or in person to children and adults in several countries including China, Brazil, and the United States. I think the teacher and the schools are so impressive. My oberservation is the teacher is humble and modest but he believes the school is the result of the commitment of parents and students,and not something special about him. Barry has created such a unique school for our children and has such a different approach than anything I’ve seen or heard about.  So maybe it’s best I summarize what I have seen and heard in the classes and the motivation this teacher has for us in China. 1. It has been so encouraging for me to learn about an online English school that offers solutions to problems that I don’t see being resolved in our Chinese English education.  Our focus is usually just on test preparation and grammar.  This school has a very immersive program that integrates all aspects of English language learning.  Listening, speaking, reading, writing, and phonics. 2.  Barry showed me the students’ storybooks, yes, they actually learn how to write storybooks that are published in 170 countries around the world.  During the creation process students are guided to express their own ideas in English. 3.  In a typical classroom or group class in China that lasts 3 hours on a weekend there is very little time for teachers to help students one on one.  In contrast Barry patiently takes time to nurture students and focuses on developing students’ ability to apply what they have learned.  For example. When I was in one of Barry’s classes, I found that he guided the more experienced students to use what they had learned to help other students. I saw the confidence, satisfaction, and self-esteem that those students showed when they used the English they had learned to help other students, and I marveled at Barry’s skillful teaching and the fact that he really did not only teach students knowledge, but also paid more attention to the development of students’ abilities in other areas as well. Finally, during my contact with Barry, I saw his passion as a teacher, his love for teaching, his love and patience for his students, his concern not only for their learning and ability development, but also for their moods and inner thoughts. I also saw his trust in people and his virtue of being helpful. Although I work for him, I often feel his guidance in all aspects of teaching, communication, and improving my English, and he often gives advice to parents on how to help in their children’s learning. I also have been so amazed how he understands our educational system so well. This man humbly learns from his students and respects their thoughts, feelings and ideas.  What a winning combination and how education should be everywhere. [/read]